Welcome to Nordic Walking!
Inspiring healthier communities is our motto.
Nordic Walking : a sporting practice that thinks above all of well-being and little of competition.
A sport suitable for everyone, to be practiced in the open air that allows you to recover your physical shape, but also direct contact with nature.
This is Nordic Walking, an extraordinary discipline that combines sport and well-being, health and movement.
Born a few years ago in Finland as a training technique for cross-country skiing, Nordic walking, it has been gradually imposing itself also in Italy because it is easy to learn, it does not require particular technical equipment in addition to poles and above all it has not been designed only for professional sportsmen, indeed it is suitable for all age groups, it can be practiced anywhere along the paths or country roads of which our province is rich and guarantees important results from a physical point of view.
Recently it has been widely used in TEAM BUILDING activities due to its wide usability. With this in mind of conveying the contents, our team organizes popular sporting events, training courses and training in the cities of Alessandria, Asti and Monferrato to sensitize people to this wonderful wellness walk that many now identify as the Nordic Walking sport. .

Allenati e Rafforza il Corpo

Corporate fitness
Benessere sul Lavoro

Programmi su Misura per Te

Who we are
Instructors certified and recognized by the CSEN (National Educational Sports Center) training protocols, recognized by SNaQ Scuola dello Sport (National System of Sports Technicians Qualification) CONI for the practice of Nordic Walking and Bungypump.
Click here to find out our. tourism project and our organization .