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Who we are

Nordic Walking Passion Alessandria was born in 2015 from the idea of ​​a group of people who decided to transform their common interests into a sports association.

After a few quick meetings, we had embarked on the path that would lead us to create something extraordinary.

Over time, our organization has grown, becoming more serious and mature, allowing us to take what was just a common passion to new heights.

We are currently a sports association that brings together numerous instructors, personal trainers and fans of the Nordic Walking world, organizing activities such as excursions and training groups in the cities of Alessandria, Asti and Monferrato .

The term instructor indicates that professional figure, verifiable with certificates and / or diplomas, able to provide the notions and training useful for exercising a specific activity that can range from a discipline to a sport up to an instrument and able to instruct third parties.

For this reason, we collect professional figures linked to the world of physical well-being seen at 360 degrees.

By means of Nordic Walking we aim to rediscover the physical and mental well-being of the individual.

Our training interventions range from PERSONAL TRAINER, to GROUP TRAINING, to finish at CORPORATE FITNESS.

Our tourism project offers added value to our work.

When you decide to sign up, you too will have access to the different events we organize and, most importantly, you will become part of a community of people who share your passion.


Our commitment to our associates


The Personal Trainer (also called personal trainer, and conventionally indicated by the initials PT) is the professional figure in charge of individually managing the physical exercise of those who approach or practice physical activity to improve their health or fitness . Another important area of ​​intervention of the Personal Trainer is related to education for healthy lifestyles and the role of motivator in the practice of physical activity.

More specifically, the practical activity of the Personal Trainer for your client takes place in different phases: the initial interview, the anthropometric and functional evaluation, the development and execution of a personalized training program, the control of effectiveness of the planned work, which can also be followed at home, with you.


Group training is an expression that generically indicates a "training group". Introduced in 1946 by K. Lewin to define a 'human relations training' program aimed at all those who, due to their work placement, could play a leadership role in promoting social and interpersonal changes. In Europe the first training groups were organized in the late 1940s in Great Britain at the Tavistock Institute.

They are normally made up of 6 or 12 people, with one or more trainers unknown to the participants. Through a systematic reflection and discussion on the multiple interactions that are formed between the participants, the aim is to reach a better understanding of interpersonal relationships in the sense of greater self-knowledge, greater sensitivity to the problems of others, a better ability to learn from their own experience and to acquire more appropriate behavior in the group.

This type of activity is the basis of an excellent team building.


Corporate fitness aims to train one's well-being. The state of physical well-being and the physical fitness of the individual must be trained and educated in order to achieve well-being. The Nordic Walking activity falls within the sphere of what can be defined as gentle disciplines, also allowing you to strengthen, stretch and shape the muscles without stressing it, acting primarily on posture. The benefits are found in the greater tone of all muscle groups, improvement of the ability to coordinate and control movement, increase in strength, elasticity, flexibility with the consequent increase in mood, through the production of endorphins (the so-called substances of good mood) produced by our brain during sports.

By means of Nordic Walking we aim to give an individual well-being training in a gentle way. without stress.


© 2017 by Amateur Sports Association AESSEDI cf 96058790062

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